选择Why 选择 This Program?
Why 选择 This Program?
3+2工程双学位课程是学生受益的独特方式 从健全的文科教育发展之前的专业知识和 experience in specific fields of engineering. Students in the program can pursue multiple 兴趣和课外活动在文理学院的设置,而最终仍然 preparing for an engineering 职业生涯.
学习What Will You 学习?
What Will You 学习?
在这个项目的学生将完成云顶集团学位的要求(通常 in a science major such as 工程 Science) in 3 years. The immersive curriculum includes prerequisites in math, programming, and sciences. At Columbia, there are 许多可能的工程研究选择,你可以获得学位的领域包括 生物医学工程,土木工程,计算机工程,地球与环境 工程,电气工程,材料科学与工程,机械 工程.
DoWhat Will You Do?
What Will You Do?
在你在云顶集团和哥伦比亚大学的三年学习结束后 University, you will walk away with both a B.A. 和B.S. in only five years. 你会 有很好的实习和社交机会来开始你的研究生学习吗 职业生涯.
How the 3+2 Works
云顶集团设立了双学位课程(通常称为“3+2”课程)。 in partnership with Columbia University in New York City. The dual-学位 program 使学生探索文科和理科,同时发展专业 knowledge and experience in a specific field of engineering. Students in the program 首先被云顶集团录取,通常在那里学习三年 满足通识教育要求,完成专业要求 B.A. 学位.
虽然原则上学生可以在云顶集团大学学习任何专业,但前提条件是 数学、编程和科学课程主要包括在云顶集团的工程课程中 Science major, making it an effective choice.
符合必要条件的成功学生将申请完成 an additional two years at Columbia University to complete a B.S. 学位 in engineering.
在 哥伦比亚大学工程与云顶集团科学学院, students can earn 学位s in:
- Applied Physics
- Biomedical 工程
- Chemical 工程
- Civil 工程
- Computer 工程
- 地球 and Environmental 工程
- Electrical 工程
- 工程 Management Systems
- Industrial 工程
- 工程 Mechanics
- Materials Science and 工程
- Mechanical 工程
两个B.A. 学位 from 云顶集团 College and the B.S. 学位 from Columbia are awarded 在第五年结束时,提供了每个学位的所有要求 been fulfilled. It is also possible to participate in the dual-学位 program on a 4+2个基底,I.e., to transfer to Columbia after 4 years at 云顶集团. Interested students should contact the 工程 Science program chair, Dr. 罗德尼Yoder).
为了支付学费、学生管理、经济援助和住房等目的, 参加“3+2”课程的学生在第一阶段被视为云顶集团学生 three years, and Columbia students during the last two.
课程 & 课程
在云顶集团的三年里,学生必须修完所有必修的科学和数学课程 基础课程(见下面列出的基础课程)以及具体的预工程 工程专业感兴趣的课程(见所列的额外必修课程) 下图). 然后学生们在大三的时候申请转到哥伦比亚大学.
如果学生成功地满足了所有要求,那么入学是有可能的,尽管不能保证 the following requirements:
- 在云顶集团全日制注册至少两年.
- Minimum overall GPA of 3.30, inclusive of all 课程 taken for credit.
- Minimum pre-engineering GPA of 3.30, inclusive of all science and mathematics prerequisite 课程. Additionally, a minimum grade of B (3.0) must be obtained on the first attempt in all science and mathematics prerequisite 课程.
- 在本学期结束前成功完成本专业的必修课程 spring semester of application.
- 成功完成学位和专业要求(除了 (总学分120学分)在春季学期申请结束前在云顶集团完成.
- 推荐信:3+2双学位协调员各一封 云顶集团 College, a science instructor and a math instructor.
- Demonstrated proficiency in English.
注意:必需的先决条件课程必须亲自参加,而不是在线,除非在 the 2020-21 academic year.
所有转入哥伦比亚大学的3+2工程专业的基础课程 是:
- CHE 111 – Principles of Chemistry I with Lab (4 Cr.)
- CS 119 – Foundations of Computer Science (4 Cr.)
- EC 111 – Essentials of Economics I (4 Cr.)
- EC 211 – Essentials of Economics II (4 Cr.)
- DMC 172 – Calculus through Data and Modeling (4 Cr.)
- PHY 125 – General Physics I (4 Cr.)
- PHY 126 – General Physics II (4 Cr.)
- 27个非技术人文和社会科学学时(包括EC 111和 EC211 and college writing proficiency courses)
- 另外两个学期的微积分必须在另一个机构学习,最好 a Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP) member school
Additional required courses for each of the engineering fields:
Applied Physics or Applied Mathematics
- PHY 325 – Classical and Quantum 波 (4 Cr.)
- 常微分方程课程:关于常微分方程的课程,独立开设或在其他机构开设
Biomedical 工程
- PHY 325 – Classical and Quantum 波 (4 Cr.)
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
- CHE 151 – Principles of Chemistry II with Lab (4 Cr.)
- BIO 111 – Explorations in Biology I: Life in Context (4 Cr.)
- BIO 112 – Explorations in Biology II: The Research Process (4 Cr.)
- Python programming experience required
Chemical 工程
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
- CHE 151 – Principles of Chemistry II with Lab (4 Cr.)
- CHE 230 – Organic Chemistry I with Lab (4 Cr.)
- Python programming experience recommended
Civil 工程
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
- ES 200 – Environmental Geology (4 Cr.)
- Python programming experience recommended
Computer 工程
- CS 330 – Analysis of Computer Algorithms (4 Cr.)
- CS 350 – Theory of Computation (4 Cr.)
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
- Java programming experience required
- 电气工程导论课程必须在另一所院校学习
地球 & Environmental 工程
- CHE 151 – Principles of Chemistry II with Lab (4 Cr.)
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
One of the following three:
- BIO 112 – Explorations in Biology – The Research Process (4 Cr.)
- PHY 325 – Classical and Quantum 波 (4 Cr.)
- CHE 230 – Organic Chemistry I with Lab (4 Cr.)
Electrical 工程
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
- PHY 325 – Classical and Quantum 波 (4 Cr.)
- 具备足够的c++或Java编程知识 take Data Structures (COMS W3134 or W3137) at Columbia University
- 电气工程导论课程必须在另一所院校学习
- DMC 321 – Applied Linear Algebra (4 Cr.)
- DMC 240 – Probability and Statistics (4 Cr.)
- DMC 301 – Foundations of Data Science (4 Cr.)
- CS 330 – Analysis of Computer Algorithms (4 Cr.)
- CS 350 – Theory of Computation (4 Cr.)
工程 Mechanics
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
- Python programming experience recommended
Materials Science & 工程
- CHE 151 – Principles of Chemistry II with Lab (4 Cr.) is recommended
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
- PHY 325 – Classical and Quantum 波 (4 Cr.)
- Python programming experience recommended
Mechanical 工程
- DMC 301 – Foundations of Data Science (4 Cr.)
- DMC 416 – Scientific Computation (4 Cr.)
- BIO 210 – Cell Biology 和Biochemistry (4 Cr.) or PHY 325 – Classical and Quantum 波
工程 Fields
- Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics 关注从基本物理和数学原理衍生的云顶集团. 例子包括纳米工程、光学器件和空间科学.
- Biomedical 工程 致力于通过分子尺度解决问题并产生产品 生物化学和生物学的转化,导致了新颖的生物设计 products and processes for medicine.
- Chemical 工程 依靠化学、物理和数学定律来改变结构 化学物质和净化过程中产生的新物质.
- Civil 工程 反映了工程学科在规划和设计方面的广度 建筑、桥梁、交通系统和环境项目.
- 地球 and Environmental 工程 deals with the amelioration of environmental problems.
- Electrical and Computer 工程 包括通信、控制系统、电子和数字系统领域.
- Materials Science and 工程 与结构、性质、性能、加工和生产有关吗 of all materials, including biomaterials.
- Mechanical 工程 通过有用的机械装置处理能量的操纵,包括 biomechanical devices.